Precision Technology

Your Precision Technology Pros

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Precision technology in crop insurance uses precision farming data for necessary crop reporting and claims. By using data already captured by your precision farming equipment, you can more accurately and easily report important planting and production information. When you use precision technology towards claims, it reduces payment time and leads to an overall better experience.

ARS is at the forefront of precision technology. Our comprehensive understanding of precision technology and superior relationships with crop insurance companies, precision technology representatives and equipment dealerships allow us to help new and existing customers set up this technology to not only be used for crop insurance, but for other farm management decisions, as well.

Precision technology in crop insurance uses precision farming data for necessary crop reporting and claims. By using data already captured by your precision farming equipment, you can more accurately and easily report important planting and production information. When you use precision technology towards claims, it reduces payment time and leads to an overall better experience.

ARS is at the forefront of precision technology. Our comprehensive understanding of precision technology and superior relationships with crop insurance companies, precision technology representatives and equipment dealerships allow us to help new and existing customers set up this technology to not only be used for crop insurance, but for other farm management decisions, as well.

A cloudy storm above a field

Reach out to ARS for help leveraging the data you're already collecting to make your acreage and crop production reporting as efficient and accurate as possible — which ultimately saves you both time and money. We know this technology and are dedicated to making it work for you.

Reach out to ARS for help leveraging the data you're already collecting to make your acreage and crop production reporting as efficient and accurate as possible — which ultimately saves you both time and money. We know this technology and are dedicated to making it work for you.

Digitize Your Crop Insurance


Collect data with your precision farming equipment


Send this data to
Agri-Risk Solutions


Then we process
your digital data

Digitize Your Crop Insurance


Collect data with your precision farming equipment


Send this data to Agri-Risk Solutions


Then we process your digital data

220 Krebs Dr. Rapid City, SD 57702