Multi-Peril Crop Insurance is coverage provided through a public-private partnership with the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (FCIC). MPCI policies provide coverage for losses of revenue due to decreasing commodity prices, yield losses or a combination of both. They protect agricultural producers from a number of naturally occurring perils and must be purchased prior to planting.
Multi-Peril Crop Insurance is coverage provided through a public-private partnership with the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (FCIC). MPCI policies provide coverage for losses of revenue due to decreasing commodity prices, yield losses or a combination of both. They protect agricultural producers from a number of naturally occurring perils and must be purchased prior to planting.
Revenue Protection (RP) protects against lost revenue due to production loss, price increase or decrease, or a combination of both yield and price.
Yield Protection (YP) protects producers from losses in yield due to most natural disasters. They guarantee a yield based on actual production history. A projected price is used to determine insurance coverage.
Like Yield Protection, Actual Production History (APH) also protects producers from losses in yield due to most natural disasters. Unlike Yield Protection, the crop price is established annually by the Risk Management Agency.
Pasture, Rangeland, Forage (PRF) provides insurance coverage on pasture, rangeland and forage acres based on the Rainfall Index. It protects against losses of forage produced for grazing or harvested for hay.
Supplemental Coverage Option (SCO) is a county-level insurance option that provides additional coverage for a portion of a producer’s underlying revenue- or yield-based insurance policy deductible.
Margin Protection (MP) is an area-based plan that can be purchased alone or in conjunction with a Yield Protection or Revenue Protection policy. It provides coverage against an unexpected decrease in operating margin.
Whole Farm Revenue Protection (WFRP) provides coverage for all commodities on a farm, including specialty and organic crops.
Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) is an insurance program that protects livestock producers from price declines in feeder cattle, fed cattle, swine, and lambs.
Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) is an insurance program that protects livestock producers from price declines in feeder cattle, fed cattle, swine, and lambs.
Crop-Hail coverage protects against damage from hail and/or fire. It can include extended coverages, such as fire and lightning, vandalism and malicious mischief, and collision and upset while in transit and storage. It can be purchased anytime during the growing season.
Replant Premier and Replant Option pay for your replant expenses in addition to any replant benefits you receive from your MPCI policy.
Grain Fire covers fire damage in standing grain and grain in transit until first place of storage. It provides extra protection on top of a Crop-Hail policy.